Yesterday I was going through the "new" feature on the MSP app that shows a part of the high scores list, I was using it to pet farm, like I usually do on the computer. I came across these accounts called "Pet Coins" (there's also a ton of "Pet Coins" accounts that end in exclamation points. While writing this,I saw they were all made by the same person so, if you happen to come across this blog, thank you for these accounts!) They all have max pets (10 pets who all give the 5 coin max, you will get 50 coins per room) On one of the accounts they have an art book that includes a few people who also have 50 coin room. (I'm not on their list but you'll get 50 coins from the pets in my Kitchen as well.) These accounts are on the US server. Not sure if any have been created on other servers.
If you have been following me on YT since I made the account you'll know one of my first videos was one that will help you get 1000 coins in just a few minutes, I have privatized that video because it's been inaccurate for a while, but these people will definitely be great replacement for that :D
If you are someone who pet farms a lot, I highly recommend creating your own list, that way you can easily copy and paste the username into the MSP search to make your money, instead of just going through the high score list and hoping that person has pets. On my computer I use an excel spreadsheet, but you can use any word document you want. I would also recommend creating a backup list online somewhere, like google docs, just so you'll always have your list, even if you happen to be a computer murderer like me...or just only have it on google docs to save time.... I'm obviously not the best at making things that save time.
I recommend listing every single person you come across on whatever high score list you use to make your list (I use the room high score list) , regardless of if the person has pets in their room or not. Obviously, you don't have to do that, you can make your list however you want, I just find this helps me keep everything organized and makes it easier to update, should a person who has no pets in their rooms today, add some tomorrow.
Example of a pet farming list.
When I get my personal computer working, i'll show how I set things up in excel.
All of the pets (except the one you can kind of see behind the pop up, which is a reg dog bonster) are what I call "Click Pets" in case you were curious :] "Click Pets" Will freeze up your game a bit if someone in the room happens to be moving.
Every time I write short "guides" like this I realize I use to word "Recommend" far too much. I'll learn some synonyms eventually