Thursday, August 6, 2015

How to build an instagram following

     On my MSP related instagram I am at almost 2000 followers. Personally, I am not someone who set out to gain any followers at all on that account. I never tried to grow my following. But, all that being said, I did gain a large following. So I thought I would share some of the things that I think helped build me up to the level I am at, and some of the things that may be preventing you from doing the same. I will apologize in advance if I say anything that comes across as arrogant or douche-y in anyway, that is not my intention :] I also want you to know that these tips are mostly focused around building an MovieStarPlanet related account, but most of the tips can apply to any type of account you run.

1. Be Active

      The number one most important thing to building a following is to be active. When I first joined, and for a few months after I tried to post multiple times a day- but NOT in a row. I was constantly on this account and "dropped" my main account for a while. But that isn't really necessary its just something I found myself doing, I kind of have a one track mind when it comes to creative projects.        Anyways, when I say maybe post multiple times I made sure to emphasize to try avoid posting multiple times in a row. Spamming is not something most people want to see. It may be tempting when you first make your account to try and make yourself look active by posting 20+ pics, but you're actually turning people off from following you. Not very many people want their timeline cluttered by one persons post. Posting that much also puts your at risk of having instagram marking your account as spam and removing it from the site.

2. Quality 

     When making post from MSP try to avoid ever taking photos of your computer. Also avoid zooming into photos as that drastically reduces the quality. Always always always take screenshots. (Google it if you don't know how.) Then post the screenshot in a photo program- you can even use paint. Crop the photo down to what you want. Then email that yourself. Now I recommend having a photo square app that will make all of your photos 600x600 (instagrams photo size) This will save the quality of your photos. 

3. Relatable  

     People love to follow someone they can relate to. This is not something I really do a lot as i'm a lot older then the majority of my followers, but I do share stories I think they can relate to from time to time. People are more likely to stick with you and not unfollow if they feel a connection to you. I'm terribly shy, so I rarely read comments or check if I have DMs, but always responding to people also helps build that connection. 

4. On topic

     This one is pretty simple. You have an MovieStarPlanet account, so try to only post MSP things. At least until you build your following a bit.

5. What do your followers like?

     Pay attention to what photos get the most likes and comments. The types of post that get the most interactions are the types you want to post more of. 

6. Post things you own

     Again, this is pretty simple. If you didn't make the photo- don't post it unless you have permission. This mostly applies to MSP edits. Pretty much all of us have had people steal are stuff and say they made it- even when are watermarks are very visible xD 

7. Shout outs

     This is something I've never done personally- but it is something I see a lot of big accounts (not MSP related) doing. Find someone who owns a similar account- say if you make edits find someone who also post edits- and make a shout out post thats up for 24 hours (or how ever long you both agreed on) make sure to include the persons username and a brief description on why your followers should follow that person. Avoid shouting out people who have nothing to do with your theme. 

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