I know its strange but I cannot stand when people say thanks when i'm helping them level up xD Like, once its fine. But people who say it after every. single. thing. drive me insane xD
I think its mostly because I don't understand why they feel the need to do so. Again, one time is fine but any more then that is just..ugh. Especially if you ASK for it! If you asked for help leveling up or you asked for an auto spam and then you get all shocked when I actually do it...Now that i'm thinking about it..its actually kind of sad. Are the other users of MSP so unhelpful and selfish that what i'm doing is rare? I know I have gotten messages before of people telling me i'm the only one that helps them when they are on fame boost but it is so bad that no one helps anyone ever? I know people help the users in the top 50, I do it too, but does no one help the other random millions of users? Based on my messages i'd say that's likely :x Maybe they don't get help because i'm not the only one annoyed by people who say thanks- well they don't even say thank you they use some weird shorten version of it. OR it could be because, like I've experienced, when you help a random lower level person they start to get demanding and act like you own them the world. "greet pls" and when you say no they act like your some rude bully. I'm sure that message is the main reason I have more then 300 people blocked xD But, I've never had someone on the top 50 send me begging messages after I've helped them...I've even had some auto spam me back. Never had that with a low level person....
I don't know....I just know, if you are someone who says thank you more then once you are going to get significantly less help from me. Say it once, then shut up. If you want to thank me, watch some short movies or auto spam me back. You don't need to say anything.
I'll still help people though. I don't see any point of being able to give autos every two minutes if i'm not going to use it :] I'll just have to screen the users I help more thoroughly.
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