The Circus of Horror
Grab some candy and get ready. Can you find the 5 hidden treats? - Three on the main page Two on the Game page
A Scary Crowd
Love 3 looks that are so scary they make you tremble! - Like any three looks you like. There are multiple ways to find looks to like. One way to do so is to go to the news button (found by clicking on the activities button) Then click on the Looks button and you'll be given a list of all your friends looks.
Pictured of the Damned
Love three photos you believe might contain vampires- The photo section of the site is in MovieTown. You can love any three photos you want.
A Good Dead in Dark Times
Help two scared players by giving them autographs- If you are non VIP this will take a little over an hour to do. To give an auto click on any user (besides the account you are logged into) then click on the paper with a tiny blue pencil on it icon
Ending Prize:
If you need additional help you can leave it in the comments below, message me on USA msp at Enirhtakb or Email me at You could also message me on Insta at MSPenirhtakB but I dont check my messages on there as much.
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