Happy Egg Hunt
Find 3 pink Easter eggs- Two are on the chat page, on is in the pet page.. When it comes to things like this, if the thing you need to click is on that section, the section will get a little gift box besides it name.
Write a status update to let everyone know you are about to win the Easter boonie- Write what ever you want in your status and save it
Finding the perfect Easter Look
Find three looks that, to you, capture the sprite of Easter, and Love them- Just go like any three looks.
Leave an Easter greeting comment on one of the looks- say what ever you want on one of the looks. Remember you can delete the comment right after
Now create the look you think matches Easter the best- Go save a new look. Doesn't have to be Easter themed. And like always, you could just save a repeat look then delete it right after.
Easter Fashion
Go to the Design Studio and Love 6 designs that inspire you for Easter- I just love the first 6 designs
Go to the Design Studio and create a fashionable Easter design- I always make a blank white shirt then delete it right after
Now go to the beaut clinic and buy something that will match the design you created- Makeup tend to be the cheapest but for me MSP will not let me remove it without buying new eyes/nose/skin tone too. So I usually just get new skin.
The Final Easter Celebration
Go to a chatroom and invite a friend to join you there- I always invite someone I know is on hide or my side account. You could also message someone and tell them to ignore the request.
Say "who wants an easter egg" in the chat room- I go to my room and just "say" a letter xD.
Finally, give Autographs to 8 player in this (or another) chat room-. Just autos to 8 people. Doesnt matter where you found them.
Again, I apologize for any typos/misspellings. My eyes are getting better but they are still a bit blurry.
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