I just had brain surgery so please excuse my poor English. I'm sure you will as one of the main reasons I started this blog was to improve my writing since I never really focused on writing again after my first brain surgery~
Also if you are sensitive to medical talk either prepair yourself or skip this ramble!
I actually got home over a week ago...but still. My surgery went great (as far as I know!) During my last surgery it took over 22 hours and I couldnt walk for like a month but this time the surgery only took 8 hours and I was walking in a few days. I have had some troubles, but most of them are starting to clear up. My right hand was pretty numb after surgery but today feeling came back to one finger tip so theres only two finger tips that are still numb. It kills my hand when ever I have to reach out for something.
my left hand is still shaking a lot. It took a while but my eyes are starting to focus a lot better as well, I still need to take my glasses off when I look at something up close though.
They haven't taken my stitches (not what they are called but I can't be bothered right now) out :l I went to the hospital to get them taken out on Wednesday but they decided to keep them in for another week :l I don't know if any of you have ever had the back of your head sewed shut but its not great. They gave me some antibiotics and some muscle relaxers though. I hate pills though, I never learned how to take them properly xD So three times a day I get to sit here and try and force a couple pills down :l
Markipliar (I fear I may have spelled his name wrong) made a donation to the hospital while I was there so that was p cool of him :D((and some other random group made a donation that same week. both of 100k) The hospital has been doing a lot of physical updates in the pas five years, which is nice since now my appointments are on the first floor no the fifth- but I wish they would allow the nurses to update the recovery floor with the money. Its literally the exact same as it was five years ago. And if you are kinda fo anti-social like me being on that floor is kind of the worse as its just not build for people like us :c
What else? ...I am not aloud to wash my hair with real shampoo until the take the stitches out so I haven't washed my hair since feb 21 :l I am aloud to wash it with baby shampoo but y'all know that doesn't really do much
I have been getting on msp everyday again since i've been home and there will be a new event starting soon! I'll try to have a written guide for it but I'm not sure if i'll be able to manage it so i'll apologize right now if I can't. ITs really uncomfortable to sit here. The stitches actually make doing anything uncomfortable lols~
Like always if you ever need me feel free to comment or email me at Enirhtakb@gmail.com
I might not make a whole lot of sense right now but i'll try!