Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Easter Event Part One [MovieStarPlanet]

My eyes are seriously out of focus today so I apologize in advance for any parts that just don't make sense. I'll go back and read it tomorrow if my eyes are better and correct any mistakes.

Welcome to the Easter Egg Hunt!

Find five green eggs- Three are right on the home screen. Two are in the game section. If they don't pop up right after you accept the quest, log out and log back on. If they still aren't there contact MSP.

Write a status update about what you'd like to do this Easter- Just update your status. You can say what ever you want. The status section is the white cloud about your avatar.

Decorating for Easter

But an Easter decoration for your Room in the Item shop- but what ever item you want. Doesn't have to be Easter related. Most people buy the fly as its the cheapest item.

Go to your Room and decorate for Easter- Put what ever item you want in your room and save it. You could also just change your wall paper or flooring

Invite three players to your room- Right next to the red X you click to exit your room is the invite players button. I always make a status telling people to ignore my room invites in a status before doing this. If you have side accounts you could also log them into a different browser and just invite them

Visiting the neighbors

Visit three other players room and Love them- Go to any players room and hit the love button on the bottom of the screen.

Pet five pets- Find someone who has pets in their room and click on them. If you go to the high scores page and click the pets section it should be pretty easy.

Give three autographs- This will take you a long time if you are a non VIP.

Time to relax

Watch three YouTube movies- click on any three you want. You only need to let them load and play a second. You can then close them and move on to the next. Just remember to use the MSP YouTube player and not the actually YouTube website. 

Start a game of quiz- pretty self explanatory

Win a game of quiz- depending on how many times you've played this might be hard for you. There aren't very many questions in the game so even if you are really bad at it your should win after a few games.


If you have any questions feel free to leave them below or email them to me @ Enirhtakb@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Such a stunning post on Easter event! Everything written here is fantastic. We are also planning to host Easter themed birthday bash on our son’s birthday. Could you suggest some inexpensive outdoor event space San Francisco for this bash?
