Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Everything For Free (kind of)

This week I've posted two video on how to get all the rares/items you want without spending any of your mains money- The first I made when I was very ill and its filled with spelling errors. If you want you can see it here:

Then I posted another one where I actually talked- i'm still ill and I think you can hear it in my voice, but I think the second video makes more sense. 
Watch that here:

Its basically the exact same thing as my Multiple accounts cheat videos but now it includes actually leveling up your accounts instead of just watching your accounts movies. 

I'll have a new microphone soon and i'm very excited about it <3 I'm purchasing it mainly for my ASMR videos, but I know my MSP tutorials will also improve once I get it 

Sunday, September 27, 2015


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14469805/?claim=x6us9ja9wkf">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

If you use bloglovin' you will now be able to follow this blog on there :D 

If you have any sort of blog on that site please leave a comment below and i'll follow you! 

I am currently working on a couple MSP tutorials, if there is anything specific you want me to talk about let me know as well :D 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MSP Academy is over~

     If any of you have been experiencing major lag/part of the site not working, its most likely caused by the ending on the MSP Academy event.
     I hope all of you that wanted to finish it had done so! If not, MSP will most likely have another event for Halloween-or if they don't, you can look forward to the Advent Calendar that happens all December. You won't even need a guide for it because all you do is click a box xD Although i'm sure I will get emails asking how to do that :x. No shame though if you need help~ I had a difficult time finding some of the numbers last year...So maybe their will be a mini guide for it showing where each of the days are located on the calendar as it was quiet messy

Friday, September 18, 2015

Silly complaining

     I know its strange but I cannot stand when people say thanks when i'm helping them level up xD Like, once its fine. But people who say it after every. single. thing. drive me insane xD
    I think its mostly because I don't understand why they feel the need to do so. Again, one time is fine but any more then that is just..ugh. Especially if you ASK for it! If you asked for help leveling up or you asked for an auto spam and then you get all shocked when I actually do it...Now that i'm thinking about it..its actually kind of sad. Are the other users of MSP so unhelpful and selfish that what i'm doing is rare? I know I have gotten messages before of people telling me i'm the only one that helps them when they are on fame boost but it is so bad that no one helps anyone ever? I know people help the users in the top 50, I do it too, but does no one help the other random millions of users? Based on my messages i'd say that's likely :x Maybe they don't get help because i'm not the only one annoyed by people who say thanks- well they don't even say thank you they use some weird shorten version of it. OR it could be because, like I've experienced, when you help a random lower level person they start to get demanding and act like you own them the world. "greet pls" and when you say no they act like your some rude bully. I'm sure that message is the main reason I have more then 300 people blocked xD But, I've never had someone on the top 50 send me begging messages after I've helped them...I've even had some auto spam me back. Never had that with a low level person....
    I don't know....I just know, if you are someone who says thank you more then once you are going to get significantly less help from me. Say it once, then shut up. If you want to thank me, watch some short movies or auto spam me back. You don't need to say anything.
     I'll still help people though. I don't see any point of being able to give autos every two minutes if i'm not going to use it :] I'll just have to screen the users I help more thoroughly.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pixi's Status

The status MSP gave to Pixi Star today had me rolling!
     A part of me really doesn't want MSP to do any sort of rare week, if they do, I think they should make all the items VIP. With the amount of people begging for it, it could really drive up MSP sales :]

     This status almost makes me think they are just making fun of the people who are begging xD I think the theme will be about rare things~ like rare movies, artworks, jewelry~ I guess well see tomorrow :D

Monday, September 14, 2015

New Design

     Creating a new design for this blog. When I first created it, I just went with a basic premade design but I think its time for a change. Right now i'm working on creating a new header- right now its just a edit I made a long while before making this blog.
    I think I might try and change it every season...it just depends how easy it is :]
     Because I love Halloween, that will be the first theme :] I'll try not to make it too spoopy~

Things I Am Not...

     Based on some emails I have been getting, I thought I should clear some things up.

     I am just a random person who plays MSP. I got involved with the site because my little sister and goddaughter play. As I played with them on this site for a while, I noticed there weren't very many helpful guides for it. That's one of the reason I started my Instagram, then this blog when I needed more space.
     I am not in anyway, shape, or form associated with MSP/MSP Staff. I can try and help you, I can try and answer any questions, and I can try and walk you through any problems you have with your accounts. But I do NOT work for MovieStarPlanet. I cannot fix problems with your account. I cannot clear up any glitches.
     I cannot unlock/unban your account. I can help you write an email to send to MSP. I can look through your account and tell you what rules you have broken, but I cannot unlock you. Again, I do not work for MSP. You can come to me with any problem you may have on MSP, but I cannot guarantee I know the answer.
     I also cannot buy you VIP. Well, I can. I can buy you a gift certificate, but I won't. I do not want to buy you VIP. If in the future I decide I want to, i'll have a give away. If you want VIP you either need to ask your guardian or get a job and buy it yourself.

tl;dr I'm just a random person writing a blog for MSP. I do not work for MovieStarPlanet, so if you have real problem with your account you shouldn't waste your time emailing me, you should go straight to MSP. I can help you figure out what to say to them, but I personally am going to be no help.

Also...If you email me can you please keep all emails in one conversation. Sending a new email each time makes it difficult for me to help you as the information is going to be all over the place.

Friday, September 11, 2015

App Tour Video Coming Soon

I was requested to make a video about the app ...so I did :D  Now I just need to work on cleaning it up a bit more and adding some background music~ My video editor is very finicky and won't export any videos right now so it will probably be up some time next week,

Thursday, September 10, 2015

MSP Academy Guide Part Three

Part One Part Two

Graduation Coming Up!

1. Find 3 MSP Academy diplomas- One is in a chat room. One is in the clothing store. One is in the Design Studio. If they don’t show up for you check again on the Event page to make sure you haven’t collected them and then forgot about it.
I have flash websites set to low quality- yours will probably look clearer then this

2. Go to the beauty clinic and buy yourself some party makeup- Just buy any makeup you want :] I think the cheapest is 100 and  it is free to get rid of it afterwards

3. Make a graduation party invitation Artbook- Make any artbook. I usually just make a blank one and delete it after.

Graduation Planning!

1. Buy an item for the graduation party from the Item Shop- Buy any item you want. I believe the cheapest item is 25 coins.

2. Decorate your Room with your new purchases and save it- Pretty simple. Click the edit room button (looks like a pencil) Drag an item from the box that pops up into your room. If you hadn’t noticed already MSP gave every member a free room set recently- so if you have no items in your room you can take this opportunity to put those items to use! After that just hit the floppy disk (the button that’s right next to the X) to save your room!

3. Invite 2 friends your room- you have already done this earlier in the even so I’m not going to explain it again.

Time To Have Fun!

1. Enter the Themes chat room and say “Let’s have fun!” – You do NOT need to go into the theme chat room! You can just go into your own room and say whatever you want. It will be counted! So don't feel like you have to waste your coins on this weeks theme if you don't like any of the items

2. Join a game of Crazy Cards- the middle game in the Game section. 

3. Win a single round of Crazy Cards – Pretty simple. Just pick the card you think best fits the theme. I think a good bet though- if you have a card that is related to MSP- even if it doesn’t fit the theme super well- play it. A lot of people tend to gravitate towards them and pick them more often. . If you plan of playing this a lot, pay attention to how each person votes. Some people don’t play “correctly” so you need to watch what kind of answers they prefer.

For me personally, this took forever! There were a lot of people cheating today >:l 

The MSP Graduation Party!

1. Buy your graduation party outfit from the Clothing Shop- Buy whatever you want from the clothing shop. I believe the cheapest things now are 50 coins

2. Create and save your graduation outfit-  first go to Movie Town, Then go to Looks (the farthest thing on the right) Once there click “Create New Look” – Dress like you usually do- then when done hit OK. It will take you back to the first page where you can name your look. Once named hit the floppy disk at the end of the form and you are done!

3. Give 8 autographs- went over how to do that in a previous step.

 This weeks Prize: 

The boonie: 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

OOTD- Goth

Today's OOTD :D I really love Gothic style clothing(and music :3) but I tend to avoid it on MSP as when you change the clothes to black it gets rid of all the details in the clothes. But, I really love this outfit :D I'll probably end up changing it back to "normal" before my VIP runs out though~

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to delete your MovieStarPlant Account

     Although its not something a lot of users think they will ever do, there comes a time where it might be best for you to delete your MSP account. Or maybe you are doing to Multiple account cheat and want to get rid of the throw away accounts but aren't sure how.
     First you need to log into the account your want to get rid of. Once on look up in the top right hand side of your screen and click the question mark.

     Once there hit the person. Once there everything is quiet simple. Just hit the delete my account and put in your information then you are done. Your account is deleted immediately. Once it is gone their is no going back so make sure this is truly what you want. 

     and thats really it. Deleting a MSP account is super simple! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Why do they level up so fast?

Silly video I did on this:

It will be posted shortly! My computer is super slow and the CC is taking a million years. It take's about 15 minutes to do one minute of CC ;-; But it will be done! 

"Why do they level up so fast? They must be cheating!"

Its something I see all the time when people are talking about the users on the first page of the high score list, particularly Pumpchkin. So I was curious to see how much fame they make. This is all purely based on numbers. I'm not any of these peoples friends, nor have I ever had a conversation with any of them, So I do not know 100% how much fame they are making on the daily. And remember VIPS get extra fame in their piggy bank which I cannot take into account in theses numbers. They also get a ton of autos from people, that information is not accessible to anyone but them (and MSP staff) ...i'm sure if it didn't show up in the fame book they wouldn't even know that with the amount of messages they get every day. 

Lets go with the "Top dog" first- Pumpchkin. I took the stats from her last 20 videos and found she gets an average of 6,341 views per movie. At 150(*) fame per view that would land her at about 951,202 fame per movie. Obvious some will get her more then others. For instance, at the time I am writing this her movie Not Coming Back is sitting at 14,499 views, means she got around 2,174,850 fame for that movie alone. Pretty impressive right? I know  that would push me up a few levels.  When it comes to how much coins shes getting from that, If we take that same view average she'll make 95,115 coins per movie. Going back to the "Not Coming back" movie she made about 217,485 coins. 

The artbooks show how much fame you have made from them so if you want to see each individual artbook is worth- go to their profile. Pumpchkin makes an average of 28,489 fame per artbook. 

She releases movies pretty frequently and has 1947 days of vip bought from her account(that's about 5 years worth. Assuming they where all one year vip that was at full price, that's almost $400). I honestly don't see why she would risk her account by exploiting glitches, and that goes for all the people on the first page of the HS list. But lets look at some more people and you can decide for your self if they are legit or not.:] 



Movies- 6,341 views- 951,202 fame - 95,115 coins
Artbooks- 28,489 fame


Movies- 1,767 views - 265,057 fame - 26,505 coins
Her stats averaged weird becasue her recent movies haven't gotten many views. So this number is proably a lot lower then it should be. 
Artbooks- 21,119 fame

Vivi Giovanni
I believe she quit (or her profile is just not active) so I will not be including her


Movies- 1,480 views - 222,030 fame - 22,200 coins
Artbooks- 6,474 fame


Movies- 1,743 views - 261,450 fame - 26,145 coins
Artbooks- 3,485 fame

Extra Information 

*The most amount of fame you can get from a movie is 200- but I used 150 in my calculation as I feel it will show a more accurate number as you do not get 200 fame for every view- even if your SM is perfect. 
I also use 15 as an average for coins. I'm sure thats way to low for more of them but i'd rather have an estimate thats too low then too high.
     Know we cannot take into account when people are on fame boost. So none of the numbers are 100% accurate. They are all probably a lot lower then the person makes, like I said a million times :3 I just want to make it very clear so no one misunderstands.
     This also does not represent how popular they use to be. There may have been a time they were making much more fame/coins. These numbers only take into account the last 20 things they have posted. 

 Just to make sure you understand, I am not friends with any of the people listed here. I have only send one messages to any of them and it was just to ask A question about artbooks xD I was curious how long this person in particular takes on their artbooks because they are quiet stunning, it takes an average of 30 in case you were wondering. I don't even remember who it was I messaged anymore...anyways. 
     I am not associated with any Teams on MSP and plan to stay that way. I don't care how much you like or dislike anyone on MSP. Your drama is your problem. Please try to not spread rumors about anyone.

     I do apologize if any of the people on this list see this and feel offended for any reason. I don't think I have given any reason to be, but I'm not you, I can't tell you what to be affected by. If you wish to chat about it so I can fix the damage, please send me a private email at EnirhtakB@gmail.com
     I probably will not remove any info for you. as its all public knowledge anyways. I just wanted a place to gather it for anyone who was interested. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

MSP Academy Guide part two

I had a couple people ask me where the event is xD I thought that was a bit silly but maybe they just don't pay attention to the home page? 

MSP Course Sign Up!

1. Find 5 lunch boxes- Two are in MovieTown the other three are in Shopping

2. Write a status update about your favorite MSP Academy course. - I didn’t think I needed to clarify with this one, but I got a person on MSP ask me how to make a status update. Remember, you can write whatever you want. 
First click on the white bubble about your character, write what you want, then hit the floppy disk at the bottom of the bubble.

3. Give “love” to 3 pets. Go into someone’s room and click on three of their pets. (I have a few in my room ;)) But if you don't want to love my pet, If you go to the rooms high score page pump has a few pets in their room. :] 

MSP Academy Photo Shoot!

1. Get inspired by 5 photos and give then a “love” – Go to the photo section in Movie Town, Click on a photo you like, then hit the Love button.

2. Comment on 1 of your favorite photos- Do the same thing as above but next the the photo should be a forum. (as seen above) Make a comment by typing in the top bubble.

3. Go to the Clothing Shop and buy yourself a fashionable outfit. –buy any item you want. I think they retired the cheap dolphin/whale buttons so no more super cheap items you can buy for events xD But the dolphin shirt and the choker should be on the first page of the top items, they are both 50 coins. So if there are no items you really want, just buy one of those.

MSP Academy Fashion

1. Go to Design Studio and “Love” 6 designs – Design Studio is in Movie Town.

2. Create and save a fashionable design. –I always just make a blank thing as it take about 5 seconds to do.

3. Visit 5 of your friends’ rooms and give them a “Love” – My room is always available to love ;) But if you want an easier way, like above, go to the rooms high score list and just like those rooms. 

MSP Academy Final Test!

1. Join a game of Quiz – In the game section.- It’s the furthest to the right.

2. Win an entire game of Quiz - Like I said during the last event there aren’t very many questions in rotation. Once you have played a few rounds you will have seen every question so don’t give up! Also, don't be a jerk and tell people to throw the round so you can win. Everyone has to do this level, not just you :D 

I have never tried it, but you can play the quiz with your friends. If you are on my friends list we can try and see if that works! Just message me as i'll have to start the game since I keep my friends list off and won't get any invites you send me. 

2. Give 5 autographs. – On peoples profile there will be a thing that looks like a piece of paper. Click that and you have given an auto. Non-VIPS can only give one an hour.

Like always, if you have any question and are on the USA server feel free to message me! My username is EnirhtakB. You can also Email me at Enirhtakb@gmail.com. It doesn't matter how silly your question is, I won't judge you to harshly ;) 

Friday, September 4, 2015

All the ways to make money on MSP

It seems like every video I post to YouTube is about how to make coins on MSP. But, that's the thing people seem to want the most of. Even if all the ways have been covered a million times, making coins seems like the top struggle/concern to msp users.
     So in this video I name every way I could think of to make coins on MSP. Granted- there aren't many and no matter what way you use it will take you a long time to gather a large amount- but hey, you gotta work with what you got.
In other news- all my videos that feature talking (sans the tag video- but that should be done later today) now have captions! I will try to make sure all my videos get captions right when they are posted from this point forward :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MSP Academy Guide

First of all I just want to say they really did a great job designing this event page! It looks amazing :] Remember- if you need any further help feel free to comment, email me at Enirhtakb@gmail.com or message me on the usa server of MSP at EnirhtakB

Now onto the guide

Welcome to the Academy

1. Find five MSP Academy trophy’s – Three are on the front page of MSP the other two are on the game page.  

2. Change outfit for the MSP Academy- Just save your outfit again-if you like to outfit you have on just take off part of it then put it back on and save it :] You don’t need any sort of school outfit

3. Make and MSP academy status update- make any sort of status update. Doesn’t matter what it says :]

MSP Academy application

1. Find 5 of your favorite MSP Academy Artbooks and give them a “love” – love any five artbooks.

2. Comment on 1 of your favorite artbooks- pretty self-explanatory. You can just comment a emoji if you don’t have anything to say

3. Make your own MSP Academy application Artbook. Publish any artbook. It can just be a blank artbook.

MSP Academy Recruits

1. Go to any chat room and say “join the MSP academy”- Go to any chatroom and say anything you want.  You can just say “hi” and it will work. If you feel awkward just go into your room and say something. That’s what I did :D

2. Invite 3 friends to the chat room- In the top corner of the chatroom there is a button with three people the front one is pink and the two in the back are blue. Click that and it will bring up a list of all of your online friends. There will be a blue person with a yellow plus sign next to their name. Click that and you’re done!

3. Receive an autograph from a friend while being online- Just ask a friend to send an auto- or make it your status update.

MSP Academy Inspiration

1. Get inspired by watching 5 YouTube video- You do not have to watch the video all the way through. Just let it load and play a few seconds then you can go onto the next video.

2. Create and save your MSP Academy Look- Save any look. Remember- you can always delete the look right after.

3. Give 3 autographs