Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MSP Academy Guide

First of all I just want to say they really did a great job designing this event page! It looks amazing :] Remember- if you need any further help feel free to comment, email me at Enirhtakb@gmail.com or message me on the usa server of MSP at EnirhtakB

Now onto the guide

Welcome to the Academy

1. Find five MSP Academy trophy’s – Three are on the front page of MSP the other two are on the game page.  

2. Change outfit for the MSP Academy- Just save your outfit again-if you like to outfit you have on just take off part of it then put it back on and save it :] You don’t need any sort of school outfit

3. Make and MSP academy status update- make any sort of status update. Doesn’t matter what it says :]

MSP Academy application

1. Find 5 of your favorite MSP Academy Artbooks and give them a “love” – love any five artbooks.

2. Comment on 1 of your favorite artbooks- pretty self-explanatory. You can just comment a emoji if you don’t have anything to say

3. Make your own MSP Academy application Artbook. Publish any artbook. It can just be a blank artbook.

MSP Academy Recruits

1. Go to any chat room and say “join the MSP academy”- Go to any chatroom and say anything you want.  You can just say “hi” and it will work. If you feel awkward just go into your room and say something. That’s what I did :D

2. Invite 3 friends to the chat room- In the top corner of the chatroom there is a button with three people the front one is pink and the two in the back are blue. Click that and it will bring up a list of all of your online friends. There will be a blue person with a yellow plus sign next to their name. Click that and you’re done!

3. Receive an autograph from a friend while being online- Just ask a friend to send an auto- or make it your status update.

MSP Academy Inspiration

1. Get inspired by watching 5 YouTube video- You do not have to watch the video all the way through. Just let it load and play a few seconds then you can go onto the next video.

2. Create and save your MSP Academy Look- Save any look. Remember- you can always delete the look right after.

3. Give 3 autographs


  1. how do you save a look on msp

    1. first go to Movie Town, Then go to Looks (the farthest thing on the right) Once there click “Create New Look” – Dress in what ever outfit you want- then when done hit OK. It will take you back to the first page where you can name your look. Once named hit the floppy disk at the end of the form and you are done!

  2. Where are the academy art books?????

    1. You need to love any five artbooks. MSP does not notice what theme the artbooks have. Just go to the artbook section and love any five artbooks and it will count 🙏🏻

  3. Hiya, when I try to do the msp academy look it doesn't count, what can I do?

    1. Try and contact MSP, but the event is over, or will be over in a few hours, so there really nothing you can do. Just wait until the next event :)

  4. Replies
    1. MSP Academy was never a thing. It was just an event name. It was just like the Easter event thats up now. It ended in September 2015
