Monday, September 14, 2015

Things I Am Not...

     Based on some emails I have been getting, I thought I should clear some things up.

     I am just a random person who plays MSP. I got involved with the site because my little sister and goddaughter play. As I played with them on this site for a while, I noticed there weren't very many helpful guides for it. That's one of the reason I started my Instagram, then this blog when I needed more space.
     I am not in anyway, shape, or form associated with MSP/MSP Staff. I can try and help you, I can try and answer any questions, and I can try and walk you through any problems you have with your accounts. But I do NOT work for MovieStarPlanet. I cannot fix problems with your account. I cannot clear up any glitches.
     I cannot unlock/unban your account. I can help you write an email to send to MSP. I can look through your account and tell you what rules you have broken, but I cannot unlock you. Again, I do not work for MSP. You can come to me with any problem you may have on MSP, but I cannot guarantee I know the answer.
     I also cannot buy you VIP. Well, I can. I can buy you a gift certificate, but I won't. I do not want to buy you VIP. If in the future I decide I want to, i'll have a give away. If you want VIP you either need to ask your guardian or get a job and buy it yourself.

tl;dr I'm just a random person writing a blog for MSP. I do not work for MovieStarPlanet, so if you have real problem with your account you shouldn't waste your time emailing me, you should go straight to MSP. I can help you figure out what to say to them, but I personally am going to be no help.

Also...If you email me can you please keep all emails in one conversation. Sending a new email each time makes it difficult for me to help you as the information is going to be all over the place.

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